not acting my age

it can be fun. Last night went out to hear some hip hop dj's. At one point in the evening I wondered why I was supposed to give that up? And then, looking at my general behavior this past week (lots of dancing and staying up until 2,4,or 5 in the morning), I think it's no wonder that I don't generally get attracted to people who are mature (then get infuriated when they're not. good combo). At some point I have to stop behaving like I'm in my 20s but I'm not sure when that is. (I did tell my dad the other night that I'm getting used to the idea that "growing up" does not necessarily mean "getting boring"). I do enough serious stuff in my work... Besides, maybe this is the end result of having spent a lot of my youth having to be pretty dang responsible and adult-like. Or maybe I'll end up being one of those pathetic older women who never dresses or acts their age.


pet peeves


feeling out of sorts