...definitely a little dispirited and exhausted by my work right now. I'm looking forward to wrapping up a contract or two so that I can focus better. I was recently asked what was up with the book that I'm writing... Made me frustrated because I have not been able to work on it at all. Not even able really to start [resisting the dangling participle but that sounded weird] the research that I have to do for it. Sometime. I dream of a time that I make enough money that I have some saved, that I don't panic about the rent, that I'm caught up with the IRS, and that I have enough time to do some of the projects that I've laid out for myself. Dreams. Yes, I dream of being able to do more work, not of being able to do no work. I just can't picture myself spending a tremendous amount of time lying around... I've got way too much to do for that.