can I go light?
Trying to pack everything up. I've been bitten by the "go light" bug and am trying to shed furniture. Since I don't think of myself as "moving to LA" (in my mind I'm going there temporarily for one job"), I can't seem to wrap my head around renting a truck and bringing my stuff with me. I'm hoping a couple carloads in my (newly repaired, but still painfully small) Tercel will do it. At least for a while. And I might be being ridiculous. Troy and my heart are still in the Bay Area and LA is nowhere near a new home for me. At least not for now. I'm not even there yet. And I still have to excavate my office. I'm getting to be a regular at the Salvation Army. It's incredible how much I've brought down there. Perhaps more amazing how much stuff I still have left. Must shed more.