I'm not so LA
Apparently, I forgot that I was in LA. I'm sitting in a cafe that I walked to (my neighbor gave me driving directions, but I knew it was only 2 blocks away). I also rode my bike to and from work today. I'm going to have to work harder on this fitting in thing. I think it goes beyond just wearing sandals every day -- especially since I keep forgetting to paint my toenails.I'm fully unloaded into my new apartment. Can't say that I'm moved in since everything is still in boxes and I'm eating only food that can be prepared with a bowl and a microwave. But everything that I own is now in one place. And I'm really really sore from carrying so many boxes up the stairs. A town of one-story buildings and I move into the second floor. Figures.It is nice to move into a neighborhood, though. I met my neighbors yesterday. On one side Kenneth & his wife (Corrine? Correlle?) were watering the lawn. On the other side, Terry Jr. was washing his car. I haven't met Terry Sr. yet, but he's in the house, too. It's so cool to meet neighbors! I haven't met any since my days on Shotwell when the drug dealers next door were nice to me. They helped me move my stuff and let me use their driveway. That was excellent. This, however, is different. Families. Dogs. Lawns. Pools. Hard to believe I'm in the middle of a city.