praising Chink-O-Rama

tonight I start a blog in response to a request from a bassist who periodically and unpredictably appears in my world - technically a re-start of a blog I have taken too long a pause from. Tonight an evening of connections, I thought it worth a try. Connections? I gave a standing ovation tonight -- an infrequent event -- to a queer hapa sister who did not get up there and preach sing-song melodrama, but went for the throat and we, the audience, choked out laughs in response. I was weak after... my hands shaking. I have to say thank you. I know the risks are great, that there's some kind of insider-ness that is being exploited -- to make points about exploitation -- and I'm all for it.I would never have dressed up as Fu Manchu to MC a tribute to Asians In Space all those many years ago if I didn't believe it was both necessary and utterly ridiculous. And damned funny.This is your task before Sunday. See Chink-O-Rama. The name should be enough of a filter for those of you who don't know why I'd tell you to go.and so a new phase is begun in my digital life...


intro to the journal