25 Random Things about me

[A Facebook meme that I'm using to override a Twitter meme and publishing in my own blog just because.]Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. If I didn't tag you, it's because I ran out of tags - I wanted to tag everybody.[To do this in Facebook, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.]1. My nickname when I was very young was "Blondie." It was not sarcastic.2. Nine of my ten fingers have been smashed in car doors at various times in my life.3. Until I got to college I was known for being very shy.4. I have an irrational fear of jumping off things. Pretty much of any height.5. I wanted to play the cello but ended up playing the violin - for 10 years.6. I've been to 17 countries.7. My drag character is Cherry Cordial. She was born on a Valentine's Day when I wanted to dress like a candy.8. I really want to go to Madagascar -- to check out the lemurs. Actually, I want to do a monkey tour of the world.9. My deepest scuba dive was 199' (so far, anyway).10. My highest rock climb was about 1400' (so far, anyway).11. I had two herniated disks in my back and I was told I might never be able to go backpacking again (or lift anything over 15 lbs). They're healed now.12. I have a bit of a glasses fetish. Nearly everyone I've dated has worn them -- sometimes after I talked them out of wearing contacts.13. At one point my family lived in a village with no running water and no electricity.14. Doctors expected that I was going to be 5'3" at the most. (I'm almost 5'8")15. I wrote an adaptation of the Christmas Carol using Japanese dance styles. It was performed several times in the states. I still dream of being able to produce it in Japan with formally trained dancers in each style.16. One person will tell you that I quite literally saved his life.17. I was the featured speaker at the Pride Festival in Fresno one year.18. When I started college I planned to double major in English and Physics.19. In first grade I tried to teach myself hieroglyphics. I was unsuccessful.20. One of the best days of my life was when I went swimming with whale sharks the day after I turned 31.21. I have a hard time remembering anything of my life before I was 9.22. I was asked to be on the academic decathlon team in high school because I was, according to the team coach, "a ringer, a B student with an A brain."23. I have 20/10 vision.24. I think composing music is the highest form of art. (and I'm sad that I can't do it)25. I have more ideas than I will ever be able to do. Wait - you know that already. Related: I think the fact that I was lucky enough to be born "above average" in most things obligates me to do as much as I can while I'm here.


17 Beliefs, Ideas & Solo thoughts


Hold me to it