day005: Learning to shoot wildlife

day005, originally uploaded by cianna.

Most of the photos I've taken have been of stationary objects. Sometimes I was moving, taking a photo from a car or a boat, but the subject itself was not. Today I decided to experiment with learning how to take photos of children, namely toddlers. In this case, I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out how to capture a good shot of my highly active nephew, Carter. He's almost 2 years old and is in constant motion. He also moves quite erratically, which makes things like framing and focus quite tricky. He's a very emotive child, his expressions ever-changing, in keeping with his level of focus. I started to feel as if I were learning how to shoot wildlife with the variability of human expression adding another layer of difficulty. I very much enjoyed this assignment and am looking forward to learning more about it.


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