random notes

today's thoughts are tumbling aroundcan't believe how much attention is being focused on the ads during the superbowl. Definitely the game was nothing to be excited about (Raiders never should have moved to LA, only to return in shame), but still. Seems silly to give NPR time to talking about advertising...In a bit of a whirlwind career-wise. Seems I have a lot of opportunities in both my documentary and my HIV careers. Pretty damn amazing. Just need to buckle down and do work, then figure out what I want to do next.I'm a lucky lucky girl.oh -- pretty cool that my two doc pics from sundance were the audience award (My Flesh and Blood) and grand jury prize (Capturing the Freidmans) winners. Then I got all excited about The Station Agent, and it won the audience award for drama. Pretty excellent.


but it's mine!


Greetings from Sundance!