No more Work vs. Life
Here's a phrase that I would like to see banished: Work/Life Balance.Don't get me wrong. I'm all for making a concerted effort to identify things that nourish you and then consciously making time to do those things. It's the implied separation here that bothers me.If you're trying balance Work and Life, then built into that phrase is the assumption that those two things are separate - which then logically means that while you're Working you are: Not Alive.This is what bothers me. The idea that somehow it's become normal to think of "Work" as "Not Life". This depresses me. Anything that we do for that many hours a day, for such a significant percentage of our time, for so many years - I want to be alive during that time. It may take a conscious effort to be sure that I maintain my Alive-ness. I think it's worth it.Maybe I'm impatient. Maybe I'm just really practical. But I'm not planning on postponing my Life until later. It's all Life. And during some of my Life, I'm Working.