whew! time is a-flyin' by. Since I last posted, Troy (yes, he has a name) and I have become positively cemented together. Strange only in that it's all happening fast, but somehow it feels right. He's also a major traveller, and I'm hopping onto his next chosen destination: Peru in October! We're going to be hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu, checking out the Galapagos and doing a little scuba diving, then taking a canoe into the Amazon for a few days. Definitely a whirlwind dream vacation. I love that for him, too, a dream vacation eschews all 4- and 5-star hotels, and instead involves camping out and random forms of transportation. This is good.So I'm trying to learn Spanish (must try harder), and am going to be working through the summer. Haven't done that in a few years... At least I'll get more diving and climbing time... once my ankle finally heals up, that is... I actually haven't climbed anything in 2 months or more. It's making me a little nuts. I've been cleared now for face climbing, biking, and hiking. No crack climbing. Diving is a maybe, provided I can tape up. But at the end, I hope to be more fully recovered from my now 2-year old injury. I'm determined. If I could heal my back, I can heal my ankle.In other news, still working like nuts. Putting together the next SF Lindy Exchange. Trying to finish unpacking into my apartment. Enjoying the sunshine.