Living my internet dream
Today and tonight I spent the day alone in my studio, working on my long-procrastinated taxes. Feeling my alone-ness, I sent out an electronic call to my peeps and they tweeted, IMd, and emailed in rapid response. And my mood was lightened. I was amused by it, and so I share a portrait of my wired world today:I was using my newly downloaded update to Quicken to itemize all remaining receipts, merging them with recently imported data through my bank's online account statement system. I received an email from Cyan about an upcoming interviewee for a Sexiest Geeks Alive, and I found many of his interviews through Google, including a stream of his speech at the TED conference (watching TED speeches is one of my new favorite hobbies). I told her that I recently became curious about profiling a guy I read about who lives in Japan (but spent this week in Cannes, according to Plazes). Turns out she knows him. She chatted with him by email, and he agreed. I got very excited about this and found it difficult to concentrate on completing my duties to the IRS. But soon outside conversations slowed down and I was left, once again, to the task at hand. As I mentioned, this tends to send me into a little spiral of self-pity and moodiness, which I do not enjoy. And so I played Madness, which alleviated the blues for a little bit, then tweeted for a little help from my friends. They came through like magic and I didn't feel so isolated. I got up and skanked for a while, then settled back in. Meanwhile, a friend of mine from high school saw my photo on a friend's Facebook page. My (current) friend sent me an IM to tell me about this and within a few minutes I was reconnected to my buddy of 20 years ago and we're all going to meet up for a drink -- though we had to schedule it for before I left for the Philippines where part of the time I'll be re-meeting people I stay in touch with through Friendster.And so I had to post it all here on my blog, because tonight I really am living out part of my dream of what the internet can do.