Indispensable & Irreplaceable
“What would we do without you?” “I don’t think any one else could handle this.” “You’re the one.”
These words of appreciation feel good. Our egos love hearing that we’re special, that no one else can do what we do. That we are indispensable and irreplaceable.
As long as you’re doing what you want to do, you feel great.
Trick is, you can’t be indispensable and irreplaceable to everyone, or in every quadrant of your life. If their needs ever come into conflict with each other, you’re trapped.
Plus, if you truly care about the arena in which you’ve carved our your special niche, you will need the freedom to give it extra priority when needed.
So who or what matters enough to you that you’re willing to give them the gift of your full indispensable and irreplaceable self?
Choose wisely.